US Large Cap Equity

Low / High Valuation Spread Dominated During March

  • Low vs. high valuation spread dominated the month of March.
  • Bank failures and tightening lending standards during the month increased the probability of a recession. Losers were bank stocks and the winners were long-duration growth as long-term interest rates ticked down.
  • As the odds of recession increased, investors once again pulled out the safety playbook.
  • International Small Cap bucked the trend of the domestic markets for the full quarter.
    • Low valuation underperformed high for March but outperformed for the full quarter
    • Strength in traditionally low valuation areas of the international market (industrials, basic materials and consumer discretionary) helped

All charts are available in the FULL REPORT.

Please contact Derek Tubbs at CornerCap Institutional for any questions or feedback: 404-445-5117.

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